I don't know who came up with the, now cliche, phrase "When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window," but I have been thinking a lot about "missed opportunities" and "missing opportunities" in the future.
My wheels began turning after a conversation with one of my best friends. Do the decisions we make, on this path called life, alter our course forever? If we choose to be associated with a person, does that keep us from meeting new people? Does committing to something, regardless of whether it is a right decision or a wrong decision, "close doors" in our future?
When people are uneasy or going through a trying time in life, and they have some knowledge of God or a higher power, it is my experience that they tend to react in one of two ways. They either get closer to God or they go far, far in the other direction. With the latter option, it is almost as if we're holding a personal protest to God's will. I suppose that is "arrogant" but it seems to be the way humans react from time to time.
I have done both and I'm sure that throughout life, I will struggle with that "yin and yang" reaction to faith and matters of the heart and soul in general.
My friend, really got me thinking though. So, this time, I turned towards God to see if I could find an answer. I found ... something:
Do not be upset at the good things you miss, and do not be overjoyed at the good things you receive. God does not love those who are arrogant and boastful; He does not love those who are stingy, and encourage others to be stingy also. Those who ignore these words, should remember that God alone is self-reliant, and God alone is worthy of praise.
- Qur'an (57:23-24)
Muslims, not unlike other faiths, have this concept of "God's will." We say "insha'Allah" which is Arabic for "God willing" all the time. With this concept though, there is another cliche, "It is written" or "maktoob" in Arabic.
So, are our lives already mapped out for us or do we have free will? I asked an imam, if the day we die is written why bother to be careful with life? His response was, "Do not throw yourself in the ocean and then, when you drown, say 'it was written.'"
Well, that makes it clear as mud, doesn't it? It seems that while we have some notion of free will, it is combined with the fact that God knows what our choices will be and what path we will choose to be on, even before we do. So, is that why when a door closes, a window is opened somewhere for our escape? Either to a new path or to get back on track to our original path?
Who knows? Personally, while I am usually the "dreamer" and yet, somehow maintain being a "realist" I prefer to think our choices in life open doors. If I choose to be a friend to one person, doesn't that lead to meeting their circle of friends? And after introductions don't you, usually, end up being friends or at least acquaintances with one of two of them? And so forth and so on?
Even if a door "closes" and that window is open somewhere ... you crawl out of it and cross on to the other side and that leads to a whole new set of doors. Is that not life? Take chances, take risks, learn from your successes, and learn from your failures ... life, hopefully, without regrets.
If you stand on the sidelines and "play things safe" where are the rewards? If you never try anything and never commit to anything, doors might not close, but then again, you never opened any! How is that living life to the fullest?
"Do not be upset at the good things you miss, ..."
If you're happy with what you have and where you are in life ... why would you think you are missing anything important? Perhaps you think you're missing something good, but God lead you away from it because it would have been bad for you?
"...and do not be overjoyed at the good things you receive."
How many times in life did you find yourself "overjoyed" about something and then, with the gift of hindsight, realize that it was not the right move for you? Over the past year and a half or so, this seems to be the story of my life!
Being human means we are fallible. We are emotional beings and those things weigh on our state of mind and state of mind is everything when it comes to making decisions in life. I truly believe we actually learn more from our failures than our successes, so it is my goal to pay attention, to be humble and have humility.
If I see something I want, I'm going to go for it and pray for God's guidance. I will open doors in my path, knowing they will lead to another set of doors, and another, and another ... for infinity. Life is a twisted, wind-y, sometimes scary, road. Who says we can't back-track? Open more than one door at once?
I attempt, in my life, to use the word of God as guidelines to life. While I have faith in the Lord, I also must have faith in myself. I pray that my decisions make me happier and that they give me all I want, need, and deserve in this life. I pray that my decisions effect others, that I have the privilege of touching, in a positive way and that by knowing me they are better for it.
I pray that doors never stop being presented to me and that when I choose to open one, it doesn't close ... perhaps it just remains open as I continue to walk through the maze of the other doors I open throughout my life; but by staying open, I can always go back "home."
I have either the greatest faith or the worst. What you have explained is the same guidelines that many man thinks inside his head. Too many times has a man had two choices in life. A door that is decorated with gold and silver. And a simple door beside it....... If you sat and thought about where you are going, you would realize they both led to the same place. Man being a stingy being is also close to my heart.... If we ALL gave a little bit of what we have, time, money, knowledge it would be a better place.I will come back and read this more. I am off topic a bit but like your essay
"When God Closes a Door, Somewhere He Opens a Window" Is from the movie The Sound of Music. :)
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