Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This is NOT my America!

"It is a sad day, when you need to leave the United States of America in order to be 'free'." - Abdallah Al-Arian (Sami's eldest son)  

"It is sad really.  My mother is a Palestinian refugee.  My father is a Palestinian refugee.  And now, the United States of America is making us (their children) refugees too." - Sami Al-Arian's daughter

I don't want to live in an America that falsely accuses people of being terrorists and then AFTER years in prison, a lengthy trial, and NOT GUILTY verdicts on 51 counts of BS charges the government will not let him go.  He is still in prison!  ALMOST FIVE YEARS IN PRISON FOR NOTHING!  

An America where Habeous Corpus is suspended.

An America where the Patriot Act is an excuse to rip away our civil rights one by one.

An America where the government abuses its power via "Executive Decision."

An America where we wrongfully imprison innocent people.

An America where we actually hold "political prisoners."

An America where there are NO RIGHTS, NO FREEDOMS that are guaranteed!

An America where you are "... with us or against us."


I am a statistic!  I am one of the 8,000 people that the FBI contacted "requesting" an interview post 9/11.  Of those 8,000 Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans that were rounded up like cattle, stripped of our rights, American citizens or not, by the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. NOT ONE OF US has been convicted of any crime, much less convicted of a terrorist act!  NOT ONE!  

And as painful as that experience was for me, I am one of the "lucky" ones.  I am not Sami Al-Arian.  While the government maybe taping my phone conversations and maybe even tagging my e-mails or even this blog ... I am NOT Sami Al-Arian.  My anger here banks on sheer rage!  Bush has turned America into the MOST HATED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!

Which country has:

-Nuclear Weapons?

-Nuclear Reactor Programs?

-Military forces occupying foreign lands?

-Political prisoners for years without being formally charged with any crimes?

-Political prisoners taken to countries with no extradition treaties and no laws against torture?

-A government who spies on its own citizens? 

-A government who suspends the rights of its own people to "protect" them?

-A government who violates international laws?

-A government who violates the 4th Geneva convention?  Iran?  North Korea?  The entire "Axis of Evil?"  NOPE!  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!

Bush has turned this country into those countries we're allegedly fighting because of a conflict in our "ways of life" and for "freedom."  Ironic isn't it?  Not only is this 1984 because our government lies to us and strips us dowto protect us from ourselves, spy on us, and dehumanize others - but this is 1984 because we've become the very thing we "hate."

Our government is terrorizing its own citizens by using the "fear factor" to make us think we need to give up our civil liberties in order to be safe.  The American government has become "Big Brother."  We can stop it ... we have to stop it!  Raise your voice ... write Congress and ask them to free Sami Al-Arian!

Read about this remarkable man and his amazing family and his BS case ....

And read about the documentary made about his case and the fact that this man should be FREE!  He is innocent!  He was found innocent by a jury of his "peers."  A Palestinian, Muslim was found not guilty by a majority WHITE and non-Muslim jury POST 9/11 in America on ALL 51 counts and yet, he still sits in prison because he refuses to lie and give the government ammunition to wrongly accuse others!  This man is a hero!

Be active in your world!  Make America realize its potential!  Make America great again .... SAY SOMETHING, WRITE SOMETHING, BECOME POLITICALLY ACTIVE.  Stop being a sheep.  Stop being a follower.  Start having some sort of say in your country!  "Stop bitching, start a REVOLUTION!"


Sarah said...

Yet what is there to do? America is a bully in the anarchial political system we have going here. No one says anything to American either because of vested interests or instilled fears. Corrupt governments, selfish nations, notions of us vs. them, has created a monster in the West. Pretty soon it will be ok to do to the Arabs what was done to the Japanese in World War 3. The world is turning now to the American people, and asking them to use their democratic governemnt to save who can be saved. Unfortunately this so called democratic nation is no longer what it used to be.

Sarah said...

correction: World War 2