Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hard Times ...

If misfortune befalls you, it is the consequence of your own actions. Yet God forgives much. On this earth you can not escape God; and there is no one apart from God who can protect or help you.

-Qur'an (42:30-31)

I haven't written much lately and for that I apologize to the few readers (if you're still out there) that I have. I have befallen on some emotionally rough times and it is hard to write positively when you're feeling bitter.

Our country is in the middle of a "presidential operation" aka a war. I've established in my writings that I grew up in Texas, which is a state full of wonderful people who have a deep relationship with honor & duty. The state has some of the largest bases in the armed services and I have had the priveledge to call many of those, who serve our country, friends.

However, their jobs can be dangerous. I've lost 3 friends in the uniformed services in the past 5 years. I still have a few more that are still in Iraq and one headed to Afghanistan shortly. Please pray for their safe returns.

I thought about the verse above and it is our actions that directly place us or remove us from harms way. As much as I, or other friends, or their family wish and try to protect them, we cannot. God truly is the only protector.

While I find their sacrifice for their country honorable, noble, and admirable it is no secret that I oppose this war. And for those who might be on the "right" side of the political spectrum - you can believe both. You can support your troops, but oppose with the war. You can respect those who serve and fight for their return at home. You can be patriotic and disagree with your government.

I apologize, as this blog is supposed to help educate people on Islam and religion in general ... I have been trying to stay away from politics here ... but today ... I just cannot.

Please, do what you can, to get our troops home safely while still assisting the Iraqi's to re-build their war-torn country. Please pray for all involved in this conflict and pray for peace. If we start to act like the ideal human being it might just rub off on others until we actually live in an ideal world instead of this mess we've made on God's Earth.

Broken-Hearted Human Being

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