Monday, May 5, 2008

Being Better than the Majority ...

... doesn't make you the best or even make you safe. All too often, we get caught up in that "well at least I'm not that bad" or "at least I'm better than them" when it comes to how we act or how much or how little we practice our faiths. The thing is, we forget to look at all those people who are BETTER than us and learn to aspire to that level. Just a friendly reminder and I remind myself before anyone else that we can always do a better job of practicing.

"If you follow the greater majority on earth they would lead you astray. They follow nothing but the conjectures of others and mislead those who follow them. Your Lord knows best who stray from the path of Truth; He knows best who are rightly guided."

-Qur'an, Al-An'am, (6:117-18)

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